In this free training you'll discover exactly how Alexa built a 6-figure+ business through speaking...

without using ads, a marketing agency, or having a large following.


What we’ll cover in this masterclass:

📌 How to position yourself as a thought-leader in your industry

📌 Creating a killer pitch that gets you booked (& paid!) to speak on stages

📌 How to make speaking (virtually or in-person) work for you & your business

📌 What most people get wrong when it comes to speaking & why they never get booked (& a solution!) 

📌 How to speak more confidently on and offline

Elevate your income, influence and impact by speaking on stages and social

Register to reserve your spot below!

Elevate your income, influence and impact by speaking on stages and social

Register to reserve your spot below!

Results from our students!

Bonus For All Attendees ↴

⭐All masterclass attendees will also receive an exclusive bonus that will help you get booked to speak!

Meet your Instructor, Alexa!

"Hi, I’m Alexa! I’m a professional speaker, bestselling author, content creator for Global 500 companies, and Founder & CEO of Women Empower X & Speak to Elevate.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 14 years, always with a mission to make a difference in at least one person's life a day. When I founded Women Empower X, I had a $0 marketing budget and had to figure out a way to rise above the noise to promote my business.

The more I spoke on different stages and platforms (virtually and in-person), the more my business and sales grew! (Not to mention the growth of my personal brand, credibility, and social following!)

I started seeing the power of using your story and authentic voice as a marketing vehicle to create an unforgettable brand. Today, I made it my mission to elevate diverse voices to help them grow their dreams, share their story, and create the life they desire.

Meet your Instructor, Alexa!

"Hi, I’m Alexa! I’m a professional speaker, bestselling author, and Founder & CEO of Women Empower X.
I’ve been an entrepreneur for 13 years, always with a mission to make a difference in at least one person's life a day. When I founded my current venture, Women Empower X, I had a $0 marketing budget and had to figure out a way to rise above the noise. The more I spoke on different stages and platforms (virtually and in-person), the more my business and following grew. I started seeing the power of using your story and authentic voice as a marketing vehicle to create an unforgettable brand. Today, I made it my mission to elevate women’s voices to help them grow their dreams, share their story, and create the life they desire."

✨Hear What Past Attendees Are Saying✨


✨Result From This Training ✨
Katelyn testimonial
Julie testimonial
Eve testimonial
Lisa testimonial

Are you ready to harness the power of public speaking and reach new heights in your career, business & personal brand?


Join me in this free online training where you'll learn how to craft a compelling message, overcome nervousness, captivate your audience with storytelling, and promote yourself effectively. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your skills and make an impact - register now!


→ Register for the FREE Training today ←