If your current audience is the only one seeing your content, how will you ever grow your business + brand?

Thrive on TikTok

- Virtual On Demand Training -

Walk away knowing EXACTLY how to use TikTok effectively, what content to create on the platform for your niche, & how to use TikTok to grow your brand, sales & overall social media following.


You already know that the thought-leaders, experts and influencers you currently look up to are crushing it on social media... and chances are, that's exactly what you want too, right?

You want to create valuable content that creates an impact for the audience you serve and ultimately grows your business. You want your content and effort to actually be seen by the masses. You want to start feeling like a REAL authority and though-leader in your industry. 


The biggest CHALLENGE I see with struggling entrepreneurs is that they are burnt out from content overload. They are producing awesome content but one of two things happens (or maybe both!):

1. Very few people actually see their content. 
2. The content isn't producing any real results in their business. (i.e. new leads, sign ups, clients, sales...)

The common question all business owners ask themselves is:

"How do I grow on social?"

And if you're on this page, I have to assume you're asking that same question, right? Where should I focus? How can I keep up with all the trends? I'm only one person, how can I possibly produce content for 5+ social media platforms, let alone multiple pieces of content a day?! 

I've been in your shoes before. Many times actually. In my 11+ years of being an entrepreneur the one thing I've seen that has made a dramatic impact to my overall social following is this: 

Being an early adopter on a platform wins. 

In marketing, we know you invest time and energy where your audience is, but what about marketing for entrepreneurs? What about business owners with a small marketing budget competing against all the big guys? 

This is why being an early adopter is so important. But I see so many entrepreneurs get stuck here. They either think they are too late in the game to make it work for them or they get overwhelmed by having to adopt yet another social media platform and add that to their crazy social media marketing strategy they are already trying to tackle.

And that very thought keeps so many entrepreneurs stuck. Stuck doing the same thing, producing the same results they actually want to change!

The fear of wasting six months or even six years trying to figure out how to market their business, producing the wrong content for the wrong platform, and running on this never-ending hamster wheel... causes most entrepreneurs to NEVER even start at all. 

And every single entrepreneur who gets stuck here is making one of the BIGGEST mistakes that's guaranteed to keep them from building a brand and business that creates an impact and gives them the life of their dreams. 

And the worst part is they don't even realize what this mistake is COSTING them. Thousands of dollars, countless months of wasted time, and so much self-doubt. (And the self doubt is probably the worst part because when you put out content from your heart and soul week after week, month after month, year after year and you aren't seeing the growth or reaction you hope for, well, it gets super discouraging!) 

This is a mistake I want to help you with.

The cold hard truth is:

if you don't market your business effectively and get your content seen by new eyes, you will remain unknown. And unknown keeps you from making an income doing what you love.

Try to think of JUST ONE entrepreneur who didn't jump on an opportunity to get their business in front of their target market. You can't! 

That's because they know how important marketing their business effectively and authentically is to their overall growth. And they know how saturated the online world of social media marketing is, so when they see an opportunity to rise above the noise, the influencers, experts and authorities you look up to are usually the first to jump on it. 

Just look at Gary Vee, Founder of VaynerMedia or Jessica Alba, Founder of The Honest Company. They were early adopters on TikTok and have grown their followings to 3.7 million and 4.8 million respectively and effectively reached hundreds of thousands of NEW eyeballs on their business and brand. 

TikTok is the WORLD'S FASTEST-GROWING APP that so few business owners are using to their advantage!

No one can be the BEST at everything but when you focus on ONE thing and you know how to EFFECTIVELY market that one thing, you can be extremely successful doing it. 

If you've already felt like you could be creating so much more impact AND grow your business so much faster if people just saw the content you are working so hard to put out there, then you already have what it takes to be successful on this new platform.

In this video training, I'm going to show you EXACTLY how to do that - and it starts with identifying what you want to be known for.


$199 $47!

I guarantee you'll walk away by the end of this training having a clear strategy and understanding on how to effectively use TikTok to grow your business and brand... OR YOUR MONEY BACK! 

Basically, if you don't walk out of this virtual masterclass with a plan of action in your hand and knowing EXACTLY the steps to take to get going and growing on TikTok, all you need to do is email Blake, my customer support assistant, and we will happily refund 100% of your funds.

Create your marketing plan inside this $47 training so you no longer have to rely on just Facebook ads to reach a new audience within your target market.


As the Founder of the Women Empower X, I've learned how to get your message to the masses with little to no marketing dollars.

When I started WEX, I had $2,000 which I spent on the down payment of the convention center yet I was successfully able to attract over 1,000 people in attendance at our first conference.

All of this was accomplished through marketing that sells YOU.

Yes you. Your story, your ideas, your mission.

I was 17 years old when I started my first business and it took me years to generate anything over $1000 in my business. (Per year!) Once I started WEX, I doubled down on social media marketing and public speaking and grew my business to 6-figures within its first year. 

I share this because I want to show you what is possible for you too. 

You don't need a huge marketing budget or a built in audience already. All you need is your phone, a passion to share your message, and the willingness to learn. 

After seeing the slow growth Instagram was having for the past few years and noticing the only way to get new people to see our content was to pay Facebook for ads, I went all in on TikTok. 

Within a few months I grew my TikTok account to 100,000 followers and reaching FOUR MILLION video views per month. Per month! 

I've had multiple videos receive over 1 MILLION views, over 100,000 likes and over 1,000 comments. You don't get anywhere near that on YouTube of IGTV unless you already have a huge audience or are paying for it.


And it doesn't stop there- as I mentioned, in order to grow you need to get NEW PEOPLE to join your community. TikTok puts you in front of people who will most likely respond and enjoy your content (we'll dive into this in the masterclass!) and shows your content to an audience you may not have had the opportunity to reach. AND- once you reel them into your content on TikTok, guess what happens? They head over to follow you on Instagram. And then they head over to your link in bio... and that's where the growth and results take place.

I see so many entrepreneurs get stuck and discouraged because they can't understand why people aren't liking or engaging with their content.

And not only is this stopping you from growing and achieving your dreams but it also is stopping others from benefitting from what on you have to offer! 

It's this reason that I want to make sure I get this training into as many hands as I possibly can, as fast as I can, so I can help you grow your business and influence so you can help more people as well because I truly believe when more people are doing what they love, the world is a better place.

So let me know... are you in?

You'll also receive 2 free downloads with this training. The Official TikTok Workbook, to follow along with the video training for easy note taking and my Backwards Formula Action Plan Guide!

50% Complete

Two Step

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